Disposable Wipes. Marketers of disposable wipes are selling convenience. It’s easy to assume that your sewer line is a black hole that simply swallows everything you put into it. Just toss it in and it disappears, right? It’s out of sight, and out of mind.
But there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to ensure your waste products are properly disposed of. Most wipes are made with plastic fibers. And those fibers are what keep the wipes from disintegrating immediately as toilet paper does when it gets wet. In other words, the ingredient that conveniently prevents wipes from dissolving like toilet paper is exactly the problem.
“The misnomer of ‘flushable’ wipes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic with the uptick of users, has created and worsened the problem of clogs, line breaks, overflows, and treatment plant issues in Meadow and throughout the state. Fats, oils, and other solids that go down the drain are attracted to these wipes, making them an even bigger issue once flushed.
Wipes can clog sewer systems, forcing the city to implement costly repairs like the ones Meadow is currently experiencing.
Even though wipes will eventually break down, they don’t break down fast enough to leave the wastewater treatment facility unaffected. Grinders and filters at the treatment facility are getting clogged and grind to a halt causing expensive pumps to burn out and backed up sewage and overflows. And later, even if/when a wipe does eventually break down, the polymer remains, which then chokes out aquatic life. The treatment ponds have enzymes that break down waste, but those enzymes can’t break down the polymers in wipes.
Simply put, when you flush a wipe, you’re adding plastic to the sewer lines, ponds, and environment. And we all know plastic takes a long time to degrade. Follow the “Three Ps” principle: If it’s not poo, pee, or (toilet) paper, then dispose of it in the trash. This will keep the waste flowing as it should, which is good for everyone, and keeps your sewer costs down.
Oh, and one other thing: it’s not just wipes!
Workers at the wastewater treatment facility have removed things that have no business being in the waste stream – paper towels, feminine hygiene products, bandages, facial cleansing pads, and even hair ties.